The deep, unattractive hollows under the eyes known as tear troughs can now be treated with modern dermal fillers. They also aid in eradicating dark circles under the eyes. The deeper the hollows under our eyes develop, the more we can anticipate noticing changes in our face as we age, such as dark circles. For more details tear trough filler birmingham

The area below the eye that is hollowed out or sunken in is called the naso-jugal groove, or tear troughs. These hollows are typically brought on by the thinning of the skin and the drooping of the cheek tissues. This occurs as a result of ageing, genetics, a poor lifestyle, or sun damage.

A youthful, appealing, healthy face looks best when the eyes are bright and fresh. Deep under-eye hollows can make you look very old and like you haven’t slept in weeks. Over time, the hollows change and appear longer, deeper, and more darkened.

Advanced dermal fillers can now be used to address deep, unattractive hollows, and filler therapy also helps to lighten the dark shadowing under the eyes. Troughs develop as a result of this tissue volume loss, and they frequently appear worse when we’re exhausted or dehydrated.

The Tear Trough technique is a good option for treating:

recessed eyes
eye bags under the eyes
eyes that appear weary
eye bags
With its light-reflecting technology, the hyaluronic acid-based filler Teosyal Redensity II helps conceal dark circles by filling in the hollows and wrinkles beneath the eyes. When treating this delicate area, it results in very little swelling, which is advantageous.
The body produces hyaluronic acid naturally, and these fillers are made without using any animal products and are quite safe to use. Fillers work well to hide bags beneath the eyes and can effectively address mild to moderate hollowing.

Always choose with a cosmetic surgeon who has a lot of expertise working on the face because this delicate area requires a thorough understanding of anatomy.

A topical anaesthetic cream is administered about 20 minutes before treatment begins to minimise any discomfort, numbing the skin and reducing any pain. The entire procedure only takes twenty to thirty minutes, and the results show up right away. The skin beneath the eye is very fragile, therefore there is very little recovery time, but you might experience some bruising. With Teosyl Redensity II, tired-looking eyes will be revived and given a longer-lasting, more youthful appearance.

In order to help you seem younger, leaner, and more attractive, we provide a wide variety of cosmetic operations for the face and body, including Botox, Vaser Lipo, Lip Augmentation, Dermal Fillers, and many more!